In Japan, sakura is presented in many forms such as in artworks, music, poetry, food and events. When we think of sakura, the first thing that might pop into our mind is Hanami, which is a popular Japanese spring event where people drink and have a party under the cherry blossoms.
Throughout the years, sakura has begun to be more and more featured in J-pop songs. Most of the popular songs today have sakura as their themes, and people in Japan are even saying that it is “Sakura Song Boom” right now because numerous sakura songs are being released and becoming a major hit. Because of this boom, sakura songs are also being used in various schools as their graduation songs since sakura symbolizes farewell and journey.
It is a great surprise that sakura songs are becoming extremely popular among young people because before, it was common for them to choose songs based on the singer's physical appearance and their favorite idol. It seemed that “kawaii” (cute) and “kakkoii” (cool) played a more essential role in determining the CD they buy than the music itself. However, this is not true anymore because more and more young people are beginning to choose the songs they listen to based on the lyrics and the melody. Many young people are attracted to the lyrics of the sakura songs, finding them easy to relate to and influential; the words in sakura songs are genuine and pure, coming from the true heart. Also, since most of the sakura songs written are directed to young people as a message of hope and courage, the words touch their hearts. As in fact, several musicians write sakura songs as a cheer song for students taking middle school, high school, and college examination; this has been a huge support to students, listening to the songs when they felt vulnerable and needed a time off from studying.
The harmony of the lyric and the melody of the sakura songs together bring hope and comfort to the listeners, opening up their hearts. The songs become a strength to them which is why sakura songs have been loved from all people.